Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Information Systems Project ,, application design Research Proposal

Information Systems Project ,, application design - Research Proposal Example Following these needs, it is paramount that businesses and non-business establishments to develop technical solutions aimed at meeting customer needs at all times. Hence, this is a research proposal which seeks to authenticate the validity of developing web-based mobile application whose purpose is to ensure customers are able to follow up events that matter to them such as the schedule of favorite movie at the cinema, where to buy tickets for major sporting events, and finding business establishments such as supermarkets, medical facilities, and grocery stores through the use of an integrated map and navigation tools. The need for faster service delivery is a universal business consideration that take into account the need for better time management. Based on this need, a proposal for the development of a website that intends to serve specific customer requirements such as navigating through busy streets to access services such as therapists, dentists, restaurants, and restaurant menus developed to facilitate better time management and self-efficiency for customers from all around the City of Riyadh. The functionality of the website, which will have the potential of being ported into a mobile application will take into consideration the aspect of navigation through real-time city maps showing categories of establishments meeting a customer’s needs. The project’s aim will be to integrate the concept of shared local experience targeting Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, customers such that business establishments and the customers are connected through a virtual network facilitating better time management, flawless navigation through busy city streets, accounting for clicks per page for businesses that will integrate their services and product offers to the proposed website and subsequent mobile application. The mobile application development will take into consideration the most popular mobile operating systems

Monday, October 28, 2019

Electronic Voting Systems Essay Example for Free

Electronic Voting Systems Essay In the existing off–fine voting method to select a candidate in the election such as presidential election , the assembly election, or local election, electorates go to the designated polling places and have to be identified to cast their votes, and finally voters cast their ballot. Of course, voters should be in advance registered on a poll book. To do so, a significant amount of time and cost are consumed by voting and counting of votes. In the mean time, the most important security issue for on-line electronic voting using touch screen or internet is to guarantee the anonymity of voter and the confidentiality of vote content. An e-voting method using a touch screen which allows a voter to select a candidate or an option displayed on a screen has advantages in that a voter can cast his vote regardless of his assigned polling place, but in this case, a voter is still required to go to a polling booth to vote. As other e-voting method, a voter does not have to go to a polling place if he uses internet and vote is permitted to internet  user. But, internet-accessible terminals are always required to vote and a voter can cast a vote in the just limited place which he can access internet. Especially, private data like personal ID might be leaked in the course of accessing to the internet. This means that anonymity of electronically voting International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security over the internet is not satisfied. Also, confidentiality of voting might not be ensured if a candidate selection or a voting content is not encrypted. As to the e-voting status of the world, the United Kingdom has adopted the system using a touch screen for the local election and the remote voting using an internet in 2002. In April 2004. Now in a present system each and every section is given a electronic machine which stores the votes of the people how have voted for the particular candidate. C ontrol of present system is given to the in charge officer. He only check for the eligibility of the candidates and allow for the voting. Finally we collect all the voting machine at a place and go for counting. DIS ADVANTAGES OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM: After voting if any technical problems or damage occurs with the machines it may leads to the re election. The machine is not able to recognize the eligibility of a candidate, so the corrupted officers may misguide the people. The corrupted officers may increase the count of the voting. During transportation of the machines the in charge person can change the status of machines and even may destroy. This system is not a cost effective one. Since we need security, in charge officers, secured place for counting and election place. The person from any other region cannot vote in for a candidate of other region. The voting take place where the machine is located. PROPOSED SYSTEM: In our system we trying to keep counting of votes in to a remote secured system. In this system we are using a electronic circuit which enable the voter to vote and transfer this vote to the remote system by converting it to radio wave through the mobile towers. Our machine can check the eligibility of the candidate by itself, so there is no question of  corruption. Machine itself is automated to check the eligibility of the candidates. Here we need not to go for the re election even if the machine is damaged. A person even can vote from a mobile system and also from Internet. We can vote from any where even though being a voter of another region. 1. Radio waves representing scanned retina pattern and vote to Mobile tower. 2. Radio waves representing scanned retina pattern and vote to remote server. 3. Acknowledgement (+ve or –ve) from the server to mobile tower. 4. Acknowledgement (+ve or –ve) from mobile tower to Interface device. 5. Ready signal if retina is scanned properly to voting machine. And if –ve signal then alert alarm will be activated. 6. Accepted vote is made to flow to the interface device. DETAIL DIAGRAM OF THE VOTING MACHINE: The voting machine is actually a device which generates the different voltages for different votes these voltages are fed to the (ADC) which is then converted to digital bits then can be converted to radio waves. The detail diagram is overleaf. Block diagram of the Client Side Circuit Final Out put Antenna Eye Retina scanning: The eye retina machine be a simple web cam or device which can capture the images effectively .the captured image will be represented in the form of a matrix where each pixel represents 24-bit (RGB, 8+8+8 format) let us see and understand Here for e.g.: Here the matrix pattern of this type of picture may be as R G B R G B R G B [12 a1 15] [11 21 54] [25 f4 5c] [2d 1c 5A] [99 85 57] [2c fa b3] [1b b1 a2] [11 b1 ac] [50 b4 5F] [CA 1f 3c] [11 2c d4] [03 ca e5] Interface device This is an electronic kit which converts the input digital signals such as (retina pattern votes+ secure bits) to radio waves. Working of whole system Whenever voters enter to voting booth then he will be instructed to directly look at retina scanning machine at this time the machine scans the retina. once retina scanning properly confirmed then it sent signal to the voting machine as to accept the vote it will be powered on .then voter is made to vote. Now the whole data including the retina pattern is sent to interfacing device which convert into radio waves of mobile frequency range and these radio waves are sent to mobile tower and then to the remote server, where the authentication and voters identification is stored into a secured database. The received data is first converted into digital format from the radio waves through the interface device kept at the server side, and then retina pattern and vote separated. Next the retina pattern is matched against the existing database .If match is found then flag is check which indicates its voting status i.e. if the voter is not voted yet then +ve ack is send to the mobile tower and then to the corresponding voting machine. This ack is recognized by the receiver kept at the voter side and machine is  made to scan next retina pattern and vote, otherwise if –ve ack then alert alarm is made to ring. HURDLES IN THE PATH OF IMPLEMENTATION: There are several more issues that we have to consider along the Implementation such as Security Efficiency Geographical Problems Security The radio waves of a mobile frequency consist of Retina pattern and vote can be generated by means of external source. That’s why we need to provide some sot of security to avoid this problem. One of the idea to solve this problem is CDMA (which will be explained later ) and another technique is inserting security bits at regular interval of time during the transmission of radio waves (Ex.2 msec) .At the server side after the given interval (2 msec ) security bits are checked (ex 1001) . In case of positive confirmation we can accept as valid vote, other wise simply rejected. Another problem is that one may trap the radio waves in between and can determine the person and the vote; this may disclose the result of the election before the completion of the voting process. To avoid this problem we can go for applying the efficient and complex encryption algorithm so that the transparency of data can be hidden and the server side the encrypted data can be again decrypted and original data can retrieved this make the trapping of wave meaningless .The encryption algorithm can be termed as Key Complex Algorithm, which is as follows, First it finds the length of the string. Generate the random numbers equal to the length of the string. Add the corresponding Characters from the given string and random values. E.g. KSHITIJ Let this be the given words. Efficiency Whenever the data which is sent from the voter (client) side, it is in the large amount, this delays a bit a voting system and the data that is received at server side is in the multiple access mode i.e. more than one client is sending the data. To over come this problem the following 1. Applying compression Algorithms at the Client and server side so those to decrease the data transfer. Compression technique such as JPEG compression or any other Compression. 2. Instead of using single server PC we will go for distributed Operating system environment with multiple servers. This makes the job sharing and processing faster which leads to fast responds in case of Multiple Access Environment 3. To solve the concurrency problem in case of Multiple access environment we will use CDMA technique which is as follow Here the key values are orthogonal to each other i.e. k1*k2=0 and k1*k1=1 i.e. if any tries to decode the information with any other key the data will be vanished as the data will be in the form d1*k1.If you try to decode with  K2 then effect will be as d1*k1*k2=0. This will vanish the data. And if correct decoding key i.e k1 is used then decoding will be d1*k1*k1=d1. This decodes the data correctly. As per the controlling concurrency for multiple access the data from all the nodes is accepted as k1*d1+k2*d2 +k3*d3+k4*d4.In this case if you want the data corresponding to the second node then simply multiply the whole equation with the k2. This will give d2 as (k1*d1+K2*d2 +k3*d3+k4*d4)*K2=d2. So by this we can show that any numbers of nodes are allowed to send the data, the server will accept all the data and which ever has to be extracted will be just multiplied with corresponding key. This gets the corresponding data. Hence the concept of Multiple access. Geographical Problems This is the problem regarding the area where technical facilities like mobile tower or Internet service is not present. In this case will convert the vote and retina pattern into the electrical information and pass it through the electrical conductors until we can reach the area where the technical facilities like internet or mobile tower is available, and if only internet facility is available is then we can convert this electrical information to digital means and with these data using computers connected to internet we can pass the vote and retina pattern. Here the eye scanner will be web cam. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS: This project can be enhanced to work over the mobiles that is voting is made possible through the mobile through SMS. This machine can be made vote through the INTERNET. CONCLUSION: Thus this machine can be used for any level voting purpose. The machine provides high level of security, authentication, reliability, and corruption -free mechanism. By this we can get result with in minute after a completion of voting. Minimum manpower Utilization, hence mechanism is error free. REFERENCES Boylestead â€Å"Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory† 10/e Pearson Education, June 2012 Herbert Taub and Donald Schilling â€Å"Digital Integrated Electronics† McGraw-Hill Internatinoal Editions, 01-Jan-1977 B. Var Acker. Remote e-voting and coercion: a risk-assessment model and solutions. In the International Workshop on Electronic Voting in Europe, 2004. T. Kohno, A. Stubblefield, A.D. Rubin, and D.S. Wallach. Analysis of an electronic voting system, 2004. IEEE Std.802.15.IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Investigating Osmosis :: Papers

Investigating Osmosis Aim To find out how osmosis affects the mass of a chip through different sugar solutions. Apparatus Petri dishes (6) Chips Ruler Thermometer 30 cm3 Solutions (6) DI, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1M Measuring Cylinder Knife Weighing scales Definition Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a high concentration of water molecules to a lower concentration of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane. Prelims Before doing this practical, I did a preliminary experiment. This was to help with my prediction and also to improve my main practical. This experiment was quick. It was just the same as the actual practical but it helped me to change certain things. I recorded 3 different changes in mass of the chips in each of the solutions at different times. DI 0.2 m 0.4 m 0.6 m 0.8 m 1m 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 1 hour 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 4cm 1 1/2 hours 4.1cm 4cm 4cm 3.8cm 3.8cm 3.6cm 2 hours 4 cm 3.9cm 3.5cm 3.6cm 3.4cm 3.2cm I’ve now decided to weigh the chips at the start and finish. This is to get more accurate readings. It will be easier to spot any anomalous results if one chip is compared to two others. I have decided to leave the chips in the solution for a longer period of time (overnight) I found that the longer I left the chips in the solution the more the mass changed. I did this to get more accurate results. Variables The only thing verifying in this experiment is going to be the concentration of the sugar in each of the solutions in the 6 different

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Commercial Use of Mobile Telephones Essay -- Telephones Communicat

The Commercial Use of Mobile Telephones Around the 1980’s mobile telephones started showing up for commercial use. They were analog style, cumbersome and expensive to purchase. In the 1990’s digital technology was born and mobile phones became readily available to everyone and less expensive than the previous ten years. By 1998 over 30% of the world population within the areas of Europe, Asia, and North America had mobile telephones. With this type of usage of mobile telephones, Mobile Telephone Network plc (MTN) was born in 1993 attempting to earn their share in the South Africa market for mobile telephones. By 1999 MTN had over 1.3 million subscribes in South Africa. MTN is only one of three in the southern hemisphere to receive the ISO 9001 Certification for Highly Qualified Service. MTN is also one of only two mobile phone operator services in South Africa. The competition is a company called Vodacom. A meeting was held in Johannesburg in 1999 to decide if MTN should go global. Globalization refers to markets and production. Globalization also refers to the merging of separate national markets into one global marketplace. Most global markets products are now industrial goods and materials that serve a universal need the world over. As companies grow beyond domestic to international areas they bring many of the assets that served them well. Such as the product, operating and marketing strategies, and brand name. With this in mind MTN’s key issues to be discussed included: ïÆ'˜Â  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Should MTN attempt additional foreign entries? ïÆ'˜Â  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How should MTN assess the eleven countries open for bid in the next year? Along with which countries are the more promising? ïÆ'˜Â  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What should MTN do to prepare for successful international growth? MTN, in late 1999, was already in the process of securing a license in Nigeria. After securing the license, MTN planned to go live in Nigeria in a 6 month period. 20 to 30 expatriates had already been selected and were prepared to begin roll-out of business and services as soon as the license was in place. There were a number of reasons for the urgency of this operation. The population of 129 million plus, this was a single license for MTN, Nigeria has a costal port attracting new ventures and Nigeria has a great amount of natural resources, which would indicate that the country has much growt... ...nal structure and achieving brand consistency within the MTN Group †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  M-Cell was renamed MTN Group Limited to reinforce African presence and awareness of the brand †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN Nigeria commenced with construction of Y’helloBahn, a 3 400 kilometers-long countrywide microwave radio transmission backbone †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN South Africa provided logistical and financial support to the organizers of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg in August 2002 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN Management acquired an 18,7% interest in MTN Group from ICE Finance BV/Transnet, the shares in which are held in trust by Newshelf 664 2003 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Johnnic unbundled a 31,9% stake in MTN Group †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN Nigeria secured a US$395 million loan to fund the further expansion of its infrastructure in the country †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN Group recorded revenue of R11,2 billion as at 30 September 2003 2004 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN celebrates 10 years of operations †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN records almost 9 million subscribers in its operations across the Group †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MTN CEO Phuthuma Nhleko is rated the most powerful black director by Empowerdex in its report - Pioneers, Powers and Pundits: Influential and Powerful Black Directors on the JSE

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Employee Turnover and Its Effect on Performance of a Hospitality Industry Essay

Hospitality industry is an industry that provide the servives of food, drink and lodging facilities. The hospitality industry comprise of commercial and welfare sector. The commercial sector includes the hotel, restaurant, inn, guest house, vending services etc and the welfare sector are the hospitals, aged and welfare homes, etc. in the cause of this research, we will be looking in the commercial sector narrowing it down to the hotel sector. According to ( )the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers Employee turnover is the process of replacing one worker with another for any reason. A turnover rate is the percentage of employees that a company must replace within a given time period. When employees leave a company and have to be replaced, that’s called turnover. Some employees will always retire, move away, go back to school, or leave the workforce. This level of turnover is not only unavoidable, it can be beneficial. It brings new people into the organization with new ideas and a fresh perspective. Employees’ turnover is a well-recognized issue of critical importance to the organizations. Lack of employees’ continuity involves high costs in the induction and training of new staff. Organizational productivity is also one of the challenges that arise as a consequence of turnover (Siong et al, 2006). Employee’s turnover is a widely researched phenomenon. A huge amount of theoretical and empirical literature identified various factors/reasons responsible for employees’ turnover. However, there is no standard reason why people leave organization (Ongori, 2007).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AristotleThe Politics essays

AristotleThe Politics essays Aristotle believes that the chief ingredient for a life of happiness is virtue. Virtue is a state of the soul that disposes and prompts our actions and is meant to guide our behaviors in society and enable us to practice moderation. Aristotle believes that human happiness, which is not to be equated with the simple-minded pursuit of pleasure, stems from fulfilling human potentialities. These potentialities can be identified by rational choice, practical judgment, and recognition of the value of choosing the mean instead of extremes. The central moral problem is the human tendency to want to acquire more and to act unjustly whenever one has the power to do so. According to Aristotle happiness is the highest good and the goo life comes from the realization and perfect practice of virtue. In order to lead a life of goodness there must be a foundation of adequate health (goods of the body), adequate wealth (external goods, property), and goods of the soul (virtue, wisdom). People think that a moderate amount of virtue is enough, but set no limit to their desires of wealth and property, power, reputation, and all such things... - i.e. of external goods. (1323 a35-40) Happiness is more often found in those who are cultivated in their mind and in their character, and have only a moderate share of external goods, than among those who possess extensive external goods but are lacking in higher qualities. The good life you lead or experience is an inner sense of well being. This is the active life of virtue and this is all for the sake of the soul. "We may therefore join in agreeing that the amount of happiness which falls to each individual man is equal to the amount of his goodness and his wisdom, and of the good and wise acts that he does." [1323b21] Aristotle said we must act naturally in order to be happy. He believes nature is our guide and that nothing is good which is contrary to nature. A...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Example

Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Example Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Background The term stem cell refers to a population of uniform cells that has the potency of turning into any specialized cell of the organic structure. These cells have two particular features. First, they must be able to self-renew. When the cell divides during cell division, one of the two girl cells produced is a root cell. This method allows for the care of the population of the root cells since some cells need to be preserved in order for the rhythm to go on. Another feature is their ability to give rise to differentiated cells. When a root cell undergoes cell division, it gives rise to two girl cells, a root cell and a precursor molecule. This precursor undergoes another unit of ammunition of division before the girl cells produced develop into a differentiated or partly differentiated cell type. Embryonic root cells are derived from the embryos. They have the possible to develop into any peculiar cell type whereas big root cells have a more limited potency. Here, the root cells from one peculiar tissue type can merely develop into another cell in the same tissue. They are by and large required to give rise to stem cells that are used to replace those that are worn out or have been damaged. The fertilization of an egg and a sperm gives rise to a fertilized ovum. This fertilized ovum contains all the familial information necessary for the development of a new person. It is said that the fertilized ovum is totipotent as every cell has the capacity of turning into a differentiated cell. The fertilized ovum so changes into a little ball of cells known as the blastodermic vessicle. The blastodermic vessicle consists of an interior mass of cells ( ICM ) which develops to go assorted cells and tissues of the immature embryo while the outer trophoblast, forms the placenta. Once the trophoblast attaches itself onto the uterine wall, gestation is established and the interior mass of cells, or embryoblast, becomes pluripotent. Pluripotency describes a province in which a cell may progress into more than one result. This period nevertheless, merely lasts for a short piece before the embryo begins to develop. Embryonic root cells are known as ES cells. Human ES cells have a normal k aryotype. They maintain high telomerase activity and perchance may let for abundant enlargement in civilization. Stem cells are besides found in grownups excessively. Cells found in the bone marrow, tegument, intestine and respiratory piece of land invariably give new root cells, while countries such as the liver and musculus merely contribute to replace cells that have been lost through normal aging or harm. ( Bioethics briefing UOE ) There is a limited turnover of root cells in the encephalon and pancreas. ( Multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) Evidence suggests the presence of hibernating root cells exists in some variety meats. Scientists nevertheless, claim that these hibernating cells seldom become active. Adult root cells are described as multipotent. This means that the cell may give rise to daughter cells from multiple, but still limited figure of line of descents. In many grownup cell types, root cell activity decreases as the age of the single readily additions. The Derivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines The totipotent fertilized ovum loses its ability to bring forth all the necessary tissues for nidation and fetal development when it divides leting for the formation of the pluripotent mammalian blastodermic vessicle ( Lines derived from individual blastomeres of 2 4-cell sage embryos ) . Human embryologic root cells, or helium cells, have the full potency of distinguishing into any specialized cell in the organic structure and so to look into this farther, several experiments have been carried out in the last few old ages. Surveies have been carried out in order to better civilization conditions, familial changes and distinction techniques to bring forth cells feasible for organ transplant or even drug testing. ( Derivation, growing and application ) However, the really first measure would be to bring forth uncontaminated, healthy cells. In order for successful derivation of human embryologic root cell lines, it is indispensable that there are a sufficient figure of embryos that are collected. Often the cleavage- phase embryos that have antecedently been derived by and left over from in vitro fertilisation intervention are donated with the givers consent. Majority of the cell lines that have been established have been from blastodermic vessicles between twenty-four hours 5 and 8 of their development. With the advanced engineering, these methods are being modified and assorted other techniques are besides being applied to bring forth consequences with increased success rates. The helium cells are obtained from the interior mass of cells of a blastodermic vessicle. helium cell lines were successfully derived from the ICM in 1998 for the really first clip by Thompson et Al. Five helium cell lines were derived and harmonizing to Thompson, they fulfilled his definition of a archpriest ES cell. The cells were obtained from the preimplantation embryo, the cells could go on to proliferate and stay in their uniform province and even after drawn-out civilization they were able to distinguish into all three germ beds of a human embryo viz. ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ( Derivation and self-generated distinction of human embryologic root cells ) . These consequences were confirmed two old ages subsequently by Reubinoff et Al ( 2000 ) when two other ES cell lines had been established. ( Derivation, growing and applications ) . To get the cells from the ICM, the trophoblast bed of the blastodermic vessicle is removed automatically or utilizing immunosurgery and inner cell mass is so plated on mitotically inactivated mouse embryologic fibroblasts ( MEFs ) ( Derivation, growing and applications ) ( Derivation and self-generated distinction of human embryologic root cells. Amit M 2002 ) These are so cultured. Using symmetricalness division, the cells can go on to continue a stable population of root cells. They are besides capable of spliting unsymmetrically giving rise to two girl cells. While one girl cell resembles the female parent, the other can potentially distinguish into any cell of the early embryo. Using the mechanical method, the detached ICM cells either differentiate or bring forth cells that portion similar morphological features with helium cells and they test positive for alkalic phosphatase staining. They besides have normal karyotype. A popular method presents is immunosurgery. This involves the remotion of the trophectoderm cells with the assistance of antibodies that have been raised from either, BeWo cell, human serum or ruddy blood cells. The latter attack is highly dependable for the remotion of all the trophectoderm cells since in any instance if there were any cells staying, they would suppress the ICM from organizing. However an advantage the former procedure has is that it does non affect any antibodies, so the protocol remains comparatively simple and uncontaminated from animal-derived merchandises. ( Derivation, growing and application ) It has been proven that even aneuploid fertilized ovums can besides be used as a beginning for the coevals of normal helium cell lines and aneuploid helium cell lines. The latter could turn out to be utile for any types of research. Normal zygotes carry two pronuclei, one stand foring each parent. Some fertilized ovums nevertheless, that were given rise to by IVF carry one or three pronuclei. An advantage about the method that is used to obtain these cells is that they do non necessitate the mechanical method or immunosurgery. Blastocysts that were derived from aneuploid fertilized ovums frequently display an unusual morphology where it is hard to be able to separate between the ICM and the trophectoderm. Hence the method required the digestion of the zone pellucida and whole blastocycts were placed on inactivated MEFs. ( Derivation of a diploid human embryologic root cell line from a mononucleate fertilized ovum 2004 Edith Suss-Toby Human embryologic root cell lines have the potency of being used for regenerative medical specialty. For this ground, it is much preferred that a technique is used that does non necessitate the usage of animate being merchandises. About all of the experiments that have been carried out in order to develop the cell lines have used carnal merchandises. Immunosurgery requires the usage of merchandises such as anti-human anti-serum and guinea hog complement. Some claim that immunosurgery must be circumvented for future clinical tests since the animate being derived merchandises may pollute the ICMs and the cell lines that are derived from at that place. On the other manus, the mechanical method depends on the proficient accomplishments of the single transporting out the dissection, the chemical disintegration may damage the cells. Dissection by a non-contact optical maser may be the following best alternate for hatching and dissection of ICM cells from the TE cells. This attack is every bit efficient as the efficiencies suggested by the immunosurgery studies. ( Laser-assisted derivation of human embryologic root cell lines from IVF embryos after preimplantation familial diagnosing T. Turetsky 2007 ) Another method of the derivation of helium cells is from embryos that have been reconstructed utilizing the bodily cell atomic transportation techniques ( SCNT ) . This was conducted by Hwang et Al ( 2004 ) . The method requires the transportation of the karyon of a bodily cell into an enucleated giver oocyte. The cytol of this oocyte would so hush all the cistrons of the bodily cell, and activate the cistrons involved with the development of the embryo. The ICM cells would so be obtained from the cloned preimplanted embryo. ( Evidence of a Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Derived from a Cloned Blastocyst Woo Suk Hwang 2004 ) Success rates in driving helium cell lines depends on the status of the blastodermic vessicles, the conditions they were isolated in, and the experience of the group. It is hard to indicate out the most successful method since some research groups publish the figure of embryos donated while others merely mention the Numberss of blastodermic vessicles used. Similarly, it is besides really likely that the published consequences are non to the full accurate. While some research groups may hold used legion embryos but were non able to bring forth any helium cell lines, others may hold successfully derived the cell lines but the consequences were non deemed successfully advanced and so consequences were non published. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) The Growth of Undifferentiated Human Embryonic Stem Cells The civilization of ICM cells invariably requires the feeder beds. Any civilizations that take topographic point on MEFs demand to be replaced every two hebdomads so that they can go on to back up the uniform and proliferative root cells. ( Culture and Maintenance of Human Embryonic Stem Cells ) Some research workers believe that the feeder beds are non the optimal medium for the enlargement of the civilization as there is a high chance of the taint by cross-transfer of infective agents. Under feeder-free conditions, there have been important differences in the look of some cistrons and telomere length. Due to these differences, it is suggested that the media is suboptimal for the distinction of helium cell lines. ( Derivation, growing and application ) However, one time the civilized cells have been removed from the feeder bed, they are so put into a suspension civilization and the helium cells aggregate into bunchs of differentiated and uniform cells. These multicellular groups of cells are known as embryoid organic structures, EBs. The EBs advancement through a series of stairss ; between twenty-four hours 7 and 14 of station distinction development, they grow to go cavitated and cystic EBs. Human ES cells may develop into a trophoblast in civilization and besides produce a-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin into the civilization medium. The civilization survey finally would bring forth post-mitotic terminally differentiated cell types but this would depend on the conditions they were raised in. Here it is evident that helium cells in civilization represent a unrecorded theoretical account that may be used to analyze placental development. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) It is claimed that human ES cell lines have an advanced and a really consistent development. It has been observed that while the embryoid organic structures were developing, the civilizations showed grounds of different morphologies. This included catching cardiomyocytes, pigmented and non-pigmented epithelial cells and developing nervous cells. Harmonizing to Schuldiner et Al, uniform ES cell and differentiated EBs expressed receptors for legion growing factors that would consequence the development of the embryo in vivo. However, none of these growing factors allowed for distinction to one particular cell type. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) It is non merely the feeder bed that acts as a reverse for big scale production of helium cell lines, another hinderance is the clip period for the population of helium cells to duplicate. It takes about 36 hours for the figure of human embryologic cells to increase in a double sum. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) A survey claimed that on running an array-CGH to look into for genomic rearrangements, duplicates and omissions were found in the blasotocyst-derived helium cell lines. A procedure called G-banding was so used for a elaborate observation. This was done by staining condensed chromosomes in order to detect the karyotype. It was believed that the abnormalcies were non due to the female parent s age, in fact the consequences of the experiments that were carried out strongly suggested that they were acquired in civilization. ( Human embryonic root cell lines derived from individual blastomeres of two 4-cell phase embryos Mieke Geens ) Often, the prolonged in vitro civilization, leads to high distinction rates and genomic instability. There is grounds of other cell lines exhibiting trisomy, aneuploidy and deviant X chromosomes. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) Evidence suggests that each single helium cell line carries a alone genotype. This alone genomic sequence can be traced to the ICM of the blastodermic vessicle and it is expected that each cell line may be determined by the typical genomic discrepancies it carries. In order to see whether or non each cell line expressed signature cistrons, reflective of the discrepancies carried by each cell line, an appraisal took topographic point. helium cell lines were differentiated into the entoderm, mesoblast and exoderm and the similarities and differences of cistron look were recorded. ( Alone cistron look signatures of independently-derived human embryologic root cell lines ) It was clear that even though all helium cell lines were cultured under same conditions they still did non hold the same familial profile. When Abeyta et Al. ( 2004 ) were comparing three helium cell lines, it was concluded that 52 % of the cistrons found were expressed in all cell lines and 48 % of the cistrons was me rely expressed in one or two cell lines. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) The initial cistron look surveies on helium cell lines suggested that the derived functions may be induced to show endoderm cistrons. This includes, pancreatic islet cistrons and insulin, somatostatin, glucagon and hepatocyte atomic factor 3 beta. It is nevertheless, still non known if the complete distinction into pancreatic cells will take to the growing of a population of big islet cells and the production of insulin. Nevertheless, the information suggests that the ES cells can trip the cistrons required for the development of all three EG beds in civilization. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) Curative Potential of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Although the survey of helium cells is still in its development phases, there is much hope for the success of the research. Theoretically, the survey can let the production of an unlimited beginning of cells that can easy distinguish into any other type of cell. They may be used to handle malignances, degenerative diseases, familial diseases, rednesss and infections and injury. helium cells can distinguish into cardiomyocytes from the embryoid organic structures. Since the attacks that have evolved have a high output from murine ES cells, the really same protocol is used in order to straight derive cardiomyocytes from helium cells. One such method was carried our by the usage of 5-aza-2deoxycytodine which enhances the distinction. The myocytes produced nevertheless, are immature and are consistent with fetal myocytes in footings of their construction and growing. This suggests that the developmental tract it that of an embryo instead than an grownup. In order for the myocytes to go clinically utilized, methods have to be able to give a bigger and purified population of cells. helium cells could potentially go a beginning for engraftable bosom cells, or other tissues. For ingrafting to be possible, one specific type of cell is required. An illustration would be in the instance of a myocardial infarction, ventricular myocytes would be required. If alternatively a sinus-nodal type of cell was added, it would turn out to be deadly. Ideally, the helium cells derived, would be transgenes free in order to take any possible method of taint that would come in the manner of the experiment. However, the transgenic tract may be used to understand the developmental tract better and this could be helpful to develop civilization conditions that would help the research without the usage of transgenes. Possibly the usage of a suicide cistron would be more utile. This manner in instance any of the grafted helium derived cells malfunction, a drug can be administered to eliminate the grafted cells. Hematopoietic root cells ( HSCs ) are the best understood cells which have been characterised and experimented with to a great extent. These cells do non back up long term grafts until late it has been discovered that cistrons that enhance hox cistrons such as hoxB4 drama a major function in advancing high blood chimerism in animate beings with grafts. While some research workers suggest the tract can do the cells to get belongingss that are characteristic to adult haematopoietic other surveies suggest the tract gives rise to a peculiar root cell erratically during cell distinction. However, surveies must be carried out sing how to reproduce these haematopoietic cells under specific conditions that will take to an efficient output. The bone marrow has been comparatively easy to analyze since HSCs have been readily accessible. Some niches nevertheless, are non accessible, that these cause major obstructions. It is indispensable that the niche of the root cells is equal for self-renewal, growing and distinction. In instances such as Fanconi s anemia, a graft could bring around the disease when the bond marrow fails due to an intrinsic defect of the hemapoietic root cells. Any disease that would destruct the root cell niche, for illustration myelofibrosis, a bone marrow graft would non be able to fixate the harm. Other conditions would include hepatic cirrhosis and Burnss. Although the mentioned conditions might be able to profit from the therapy somewhat, for maximised consequences they will hold to be accompanied with therapies that are aimed at pathophysiologic procedure of the cell that is being replaced. The development of the of the cardinal nervous system takes topographic point in early cell distinction, this is apparent as neural tissue is present in the embryoid organic structures. The neural tissue is a really specialized tissue where each type of cell has specific maps hence, it is indispensable that directed derivation is achieved. However, there are several hurdlings that must be overcome, since the derivation was non the lone debatable part. The cells must be surgically inserted into at the appropriate site. Unlike the cells of the haematopoietic system, the cells here do non come back to their right location via the blood stream. Although the synaptic connexions are fictile, the system starts organizing during fetal development. In order for efficient operation to take topographic point, the freshly synthesised cells will hold to incorporate into the bing, and to the full formed nerve cells. One hypothesis states that possibly the cells could be delivered in a precursor province which will develop into a proper niche when targeted and will turn in vivo. An advantage to this method would be that the growing of the embryologic root cells would help in the formation of the fictile connexions. The add-on of grownup nerve cells could turn out to be more complicated and integrating might non be able to be re-established. This could ensue in epileptiform and it could develop unsuitably in situ giving rise to assorted defects and tetratoma formations. A major issue is that organ transplant frequently leads to weave rejection. The immune system frequently responds to any alloantigen on the graft. This may be in the signifier of histocompatibility composites and ABO blood group antigens. In an uniform province, the root cells would show a low sum of MHC-1, nevertheless, in differentiated cells in vitro there is an addition in look by up to 2-4 crease. Although this look is much lower than that in the bodily cells, the addition can do the helium cell non to be a HLA lucifer and hence, destroyed in a mode that is dependent on T cells. One manner of get the better ofing this is by making helium cell Bankss nevertheless, a disadvantage is that the allele combination of the three MHC-1 cistrons can bring forth upto 11 million haplotypes and a diploid combinations. Possibly familial technology could be used as a method that would let for the formation of immunologically matched cell lines, this scheme nevertheless, is merely theoretical. Curative potency of embryologic root cells. Paul H. Ethical Issues Revolving Around Human Embryonic Stem Cells Most of the arguments that revolve around embryologic root cells are related to whether or non it is morally right to halt embryonic development. Those who oppose the thought believe that embryos should be allowed to develop. They regard the embryo as an person the minute the fertilized ovum is formed. Each fertilized ovum turns into a blastodermic vessicle that is implanted in the womb, and each fetus grows to go an single. They believe that from this minute onwards the fertilized ovum carries a alone DNA sequence that has neer existed before, and it neer will once more. Although, the genotype is merely one component of an person, in some instances, some advocators label this as slaying. It is true that harmonizing to science a life is formed at the blink of an eye that the egg and the sperm fuse. Yet it is besides true that we do non hold an duty towards the embryo at every phase of its development. Our duty increases as the embryo develops into an person. So, once and for all it can be said that the monetary value of an embryo is a much smaller monetary value to pay than the monetary value of an grownup person. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM. Even though the embryo has the right to populate from the really start, those who oppose human embryologic root cell research and support the embryos claim that life does non depend on any of their cognitive or bodily characteristics . Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM Supporters believe that merely because the embryo does non hold the ability to ground or communicate is non a valid ground non to protect the embryo. They believe that merely if the female parent s wellness is under life baleful conditions, merely so can the babe be aborted and it will be ethically justified. Techniques such as SCNT are seen as condemnable offenses in states such as Germany. The transportation of familial information of one embryo into another embryo, fetus or person is considered illegal since it does non move to be in favor of the protection of the embryo. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM With this sentiment, whether the root cells are left over from IVF or if they have specifically been created for the experiment besides does non turn out to be a valid ground for destructing an person. Although the whole intent of the survey may be to cut down the agony of many people, some believe that the embryos must non pay this necessary cost of life. Some people are surely against this practical attack. UOE bioethics briefing ) There are nevertheless, a few other grounds as to why some people are against the usage of embryologic root cells. It is claimed that if root cells are allowed to be cloned, this may take to reproductive cloning to be allowed since it leads to the devaluation of human life. Many argue, that possibly alternatively leting research on embryologic root cells, possibly experiments should be carried out utilizing big root cells. UOE bioethics briefing ) When root cells are donated, there are assorted issues that besides have to be dealt with. For illustration, the consent signifier, the handiness of givers and ownership of cell lines established are merely some of the jobs that are involved with big root cells. Apart from these issues, in order to handle patients with root cell therapy, there must at least be sufficient cells to finish the intervention. While in some instances there are no root cells for a peculiar cell or tissue, in other instances they may be highly rare. The beta pancreatic cells for illustration, research workers have still non been able to happen the root cells in the organic structure. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) The extraction of the root cells from other cells may be complicated but the proliferative potency and the sum of clip they remain active for is much less than that of the helium cells in vitro. Another major disadvantage is the deficiency of chances for the survey of embryogenesis if big root cells are used. Taking all this into history, grownup root cells do non function as a sufficient option. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) Some fear that in instance the usage of excess embryos are allowed, over clip, the populace would take this for granted and would happen the desire to O.K. of them. On the other manus, if these embryos are viewed as occasional and ineluctable, it would keep the symbolic value of an embryo in the society. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM Alternatively, some may believe that since embryos in some topographic points are non granted the option to be used, possibly they can be imported. If ethically, the usage of embryos is allowed, it would be appropriate for the import of root cells. Equally, in topographic points where the research on root cells is purely prohibited, the import could still be allowed since the harm is already done. However, this may be an inducement for the devastation of another embryo since the blessing of importing root cells could besides be viewed as a moral blessing for the research. If the import was allowed to take topographic point in states that did non O.K. of the derivation of the root cells, there would be some ethical incompatibilities. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM However, there are plentifulness of statements for the usage of embryologic root cells. Approximately 80 % of human embryos do non attach themselves to the uterine wall and gestation is non successful. Therefore, it can be said that although each embryo does transport a alone genotype, it is non certain that each embryo will finally go an person. Besides, most scientists consider human life to get down at the visual aspect of the crude run ; the point at which nervous development is initiated. This development takes topographic point at about twenty-four hours 14 of fertilisation even though there is no individual consensus that confirms so. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) Aboard this, it is merely after several unit of ammunitions of cell division that the cell lines are designated to either the placenta or embryo. Even after this, the fertilized ovum might split giving rise to twins but still keeping the fact that that at this phase the embryo can still non be considered as an person. In assorted beings, surveies have indicated that due to familial mosaicism, it is non really frequently that two embryos unify together giving rise to one fetus. In many instances, parents do let research to be carried out on the embryos that are left over from IVF. However, if parents do non give their consent to this, the embryos would be frozen in storage and would so be discarded old ages subsequently. ( UOE bioethics briefing ) With continued root cell research several medical jobs could be treated and even cured. Parkinson s disease, type I diabetes, spinal cord hurts, and birth defects are merely some of the conditions that can be resolved. ( http: // ) Frequently, faith plays a major function in 1s belief. For illustration, in 2004, when George Bush was elected president of the United Sates of America, the Protestant Christian and the Republican party opposed research on root cells. ( UOE bioethics briefing ) Claiming to support human life to those embryos that were traveling to be discarded at birthrate clinics, Bush merely allowed the usage of 21 root cell lines that had been produced before his determination. However, President Obama removed this prohibition against the research on embryologic root cells in 2009 since medical miracles do non go on merely by accident, and promised that the lost land would be made up for under his disposal. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Islamic Iran is a state where the spiritual Grand Ayatollah, has highest spiritual and legislative power this is really different when compared to the other Islamic states. Most of the state s opinion and pattern is dependent on the faith. Islam describes the sanctity of the embryo in the uterus in the Quran. In 2002 nevertheless, the Grand Ayatollah declared that root cell research may go on in Iran. Saudi Arabia on the other manus perform IVFs on a regular footing, nevertheless, bring forthing embryos in order to destruct is purely prohibited so merely embryos that have been lawfully aborted can be utilised. The thought of utilizing excess IVF embryos for research is still problematic. ( Ethical Aspects of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Researchin the Islamic World: Positions and Contemplations ) Decision Human embryologic root cells have become prevalent in today s society due to their priceless belongingss. With their ability to self-renew and bring forth multilineage cell lines, these cells have the potency of transporting the name of scientific discipline to a new degree. Their ability to limitlessly provide hold made their research field a quickly developing one. Research workers are non merely working to deducing the cells but keeping them excessively. Experiments are being carried out in the hope to happen replies to assorted diseases from palsy to Alzheimer s disease. While discoursing ethical and legal issues, it is imperative that the scientific discipline that takes topographic point behind it is kept in head. As scientific discipline advancements, the ethical and legal system besides changes. Everything has its ain benefits and bounds. Given that there are rigorous guidelines overlooking all the possible issues which may do a job, all researches should be able to co-exist freely. For this a universe broad regulated system should be effectual. One that would include regulations and ordinances, adverting how many yearss old a blasto

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Do physical exercises with satisfaction

Do physical exercises with satisfaction 15 Exercises which will help every student stay healthy A lot of students just forget about their physical health, doing their regular reading and essays writing. It can influence your academic performance in a bad way. Sometimes, it is very important to put all your things away and just exercise to feel better and healthier. There are a lot of useful exercises, which are very easy for you to do in order to stay energetic. And you even shouldn`t have any special equipment to do the following exercises. Supine Pelvic Tilts This is the advanced crunch, which aims at the whole core region. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Your arms should be out to your sides and palms should be faced up.   Exhale and press your low back into the floor, using your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for some time. Inhale and create the arch in your low back. Don`t lift your hips. Return to your starting position after holding this position briefly. Side Plank with Bent Knee Lie on your right side with your legs stacked one upon the other and your knees bent. The right elbow should be bent under your shoulder. Raise your torso, engaging your abdominal muscles. Return to your starting position. Repeat this exercise on the other side. Side Lying Hip Adduction Lie on your side on a mat with your feet stacked in neutral position and with your legs lengthened straight away from your body. Your shoulders and hips should be aligned vertically to the floor. Place your upper arm on your upper hip and your lower arm under your head for support. Bring your lower leg forward until it lies in front of your upper leg. Exhale and raise your lower leg off the floor. Don`t raise the leg too high. Don`t allow the hips to roll back and forward. Raise the leg until you feel tension develop in your low back or your hips begin to tilt. Inhale and return to your starting position. Repeat such moves with the opposite leg. Squat Jumps Stand with your arms by your sides and your feet hip-width apart. Shift your hips back and down. Lower yourself until your heels about to lift off the floor. Keep your head directly facing forward. Make some jumping movements. Land quietly and softly on the mid-foot. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Keep your core muscles engaged in order to protect your spine. Contralateral Limb Raises This exercise is excellent for your troubling upper body areas. Lie on your stomach with your legs outstretched behind you. Your arms should be out overhead with the palms facing each other. Exhale and float one arm a few inches off the floor. Hold such position for some time. Inhale and return to your starting position. Don`t make any moves in your hips or low back. Supermans Lie on your stomach with your legs outstretched behind you. Your arms should be out overhead with the palms facing each other. Reach both your legs away from torso and float both arms until they lift a few inches off the floor. Your head should to be aligned with your spine. Inhale and return to your starting position. Don`t make any moves in your hips or low back. Glute Bridge This is an excellent entry exercise to the power of controlled and slow movements. Lie on your back in a bent-knee position. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Put your feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips up off the floor. Your abdominals should be engaged. Inhale and lower yourself back to the starting position. Side Lunge Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart. Keep your head over your shoulder. Your hands should be in the comfortable position. Shift your weight onto your heels. Inhale, step to the right and shift your weight toward the right foot. Exhale and push off with your right side in order to return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement for the opposite side. Standing Calf Raises – Wall It is a great area to improve your shins. Stand near the wall with your toes facing forward and feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the wall in order to support your balance. Rise up to your toes and hold such position for some time. Inhale and lower your heels back to the floor. Side Plank with Straight Leg It is very important not to forget to breathe on this exercise. Lie on your right side with your left leg stacked on top of the right. Your right elbow should be positioned under your shoulder.   Lift your knees and hips off the floor. Your abdominals should be engaged in order to brace your spine. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Cobra This exercise will help you to get ready for your busy day. Lie on your stomach with your hands positioned under your shoulders. Your legs should be straight. Press your hips into the floor. Curl the chest away from the floor and lengthen the torso. Keep your shoulders rolling down and back. Lower your upper body beck to the floor. You should stop the exercise immediately if you feel the pain in the low back. Downward – facing Dog The controlled and slow movement is very important for this exercise. Come to an all-fours position on the floor.   Your hands should be under your shoulders. Engage your abdominals to support the spine. Rise up your hips. Press your heels toward the floor. Don`t lift your head.   Reach the heels toward the floor. Inhale and return your body to the starting position. Front Plank Lie on the stomach and put the elbows close to your sides. Flex the ankles and straighten your legs. Lift your thighs and torso off the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles strong. Don`t forget to breathe. Hold such position for at least 5 seconds. Lower your body back towards the floor in order to return to the starting position. Push-up This is the good old exercise. Come to a knees and hands position. Your hands should be under the shoulders. Bring yourself to the plank position. Keep the abdominals engaged. Bend the elbows, lowering your body toward the floor. Don`t allow your chin and chest to touch the floor. Press upward through your arms and straighten the elbows. Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers   This advanced exercise hits some core areas. Stand with your arms raised in front to shoulder height, feet together, and arms raised. Lift one foot off the floor, balancing on the standing leg. Hold this position for some time, before making a step forward. Then, shift your body weight to the front foot. Lower your body your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor. Your hands should reach to the point below your front knee. Keep your elbows straight and back flat. In order to return to your starting position, push off with your front leg.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Product Launch Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Product Launch Plan - Essay Example Nonetheless, the target consumers are middle class groups, who are highly involved in the media-saturated world attributable to things like advertisements, internet and mobile phone. Company SWOTT analysis Strengths The company is located in Italy, which is a company that is associated with a tradition of pioneering production of wine. In fact, this is a tradition that would enable the company to have a good reputation and the customers will have confidence in their products (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). The company will be situated in company that has favorable climate conditions, given that Italy is countries that cover an area attributed to different types of climatic zones; in this case, this will provide ideal location for increased productivity of grapes used for making wine. In 2011, trends of wine sales were attributed to establishment of modern concept, which are contrasting with the France conservative culture (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). In fact, France has a market of wine tha t is highly competitive due to introduction of flavored wines. Weaknesses Structures of Italian vineyards lack a specific strategy given that it is highly concentrated with small wineries that are owned by families and this have a negative impact on production (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). The company is likely to face challenges due to unfamiliarity with French culture and their customs; in fact, this may have a negative impact on the effort to venture into the market (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). Opportunities In France, there are potential customers, who have developed tastes and preferences for wine; in fact, they are able to rank these products based on value over volume leading to willingness to pay high prices per unit price (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). There are opportunities derived through wine intelligence in France market, whereby there are models being developed to facilitate market growth and ascendancy of wine; thus, the consumers will develop ways of distinguishing between v arious categories of wine (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). On the other hand, the company can focus on establishing a single brand with consistency in quality, taste and it will be associated with Italy. Threats France market has been surpassed by other markets such as Australia and Britain; thereby a decision to venture this market poses a threat of reduced profitability compared to other markets (Marini & Tepponen, 2012). There are other threats emanating from a decrease in the number of wine drinkers; in fact, this is a tradition has been introduced in the market, despite high per capita among consumers in the market. The competition There are increased chances that Italy will lose their position of being leaders in the market of wines due to stiff competition from other countries such as Australia, America, Chile and South Africa. However, Italy has attained a competitive advantage based on marketing strategies, whereby they promote products through captivating images (Fernandez-Cruz, 2003). Nonetheless, this competition has led to a decrease sales of wine in Italy; in fact, analysis in 2010 indicates that the country lost to their leading position to South Africa, which attained twenty percent market share. Therefore, this

Friday, October 18, 2019

Media use forecast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media use forecast - Assignment Example Before I sleep I browse internet in private and go through my Facebook page where I interact with friends and share personal experiences with various friends. In regard to the media content I focus on, I comment positively on various health-related issues on Facebook. I also comment on public debate by sending messages through twitter to the television network viewers and hosts. My media diet has helped me keep friends and official links that are of much socio-economic gain in my life (Johnson 43). The issues I focus on in media keeps me updated on latest healthcare research findings and emerging technology which is relevant for the contemporary competitive infection-ridden society. My experience with the violent and sexual explicit media content in some programmes in television, magazines and Facebook began to absorb me and nearly cost me my job. I had become addicted and realized that besides losing my job I was also deviating from acceptable moral standards. I therefore decided to reconsider my media diet which has significantly improved my knowledge and moral

Philosophy, Enlightenment and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Philosophy, Enlightenment and Education - Essay Example This discussion declares that studying educational history is essential in the enhancement of contexts of institutions and ideas by underscoring the traditions that provided the foundations of early education. In speaking of the existence and development of formal education, Plato has a specific consideration given that his main ideas of education have over history formed the basis of educational influences that children are aesthetically imparted with. Plato helped in musing the educational ideas by focusing on the role of play to children and the aesthetic influence of early education. Basically, the view according to Plato with regard to education was that it was a rightly disciplined feeling of pain and pleasure in a child that enabled them to acquire core societal values. In this essay, the core concept shall be on the highlighting the reasons why Plato put much emphasis on the controlling of the children’s exposure to aesthetic influences in early education.  From the report it is clear that  Plato is a great and renowned Greek philosopher and mathematician of the medieval times whose philosophy is considered to have had a great impact on the level of education in practice by most educational systems right from the early childhood stages. In the traditional Greek settings, the idea of education for the young children was founded on the need to educate them to be able to know how to use swords, ride on horses, be equipped for warfare and use hunting tools accordingly.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Womens Right (Equal Right Amendment) Research Paper

Womens Right (Equal Right Amendment) - Research Paper Example This synchronized and yet sporadic movement by women activists, suffragists and liberationists precipitated for the advent of an epic legal victory that resulted benefits that scores of generations of women have enjoyed. In this paper, the author will outline, examine and interpret the women’s rights movement in America. Of particular importance here is the creation and the many hindrances that the Equal Rights Amendment of the United States Constitution has confronted throughout the years. The aim of this scholarly treatise is not only to provide pertinent information regarding the women rights advocacy but also to demonstrate insightful ideas and recommendations for the now and the future. Historical Background In 1848, the first-ever Women’s Rights Convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the two-day meeting of over 300 people who rallied for justice and equality for women who were institutional ly restricted from the rights and privileges of a citizen. The said convention generated the Declaration of Sentiments among other eleven resolutions denouncing inequality and proposing suffrage. However, the nation was far from ready to seriously pay attention to the issue of women’s rights and thought that the call for justice was not only ridiculous but also a worthless endeavor (Becker 39). After the Civil War, while the constitutional reformation centered on giving freedom to the slaves, Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth, as well as the already-veteran Stanton, fought for the legal ground of providing the same civil and political rights that men enjoy to the American woman. Citing the 14th and 15th Amendments of the Constitution that the right to vote shall not be deprived to citizens on basis of their race, color and previous states of servitude, these women freedom fighters underscored the obvious and utter neglect of women in the laws of the land (Whitney 57). In 1 872 during the presidential election, Anthony cast her ballot in one of the poll precincts in New York invoking her right as a citizen as provided in the 14th Amendment. Her somehow rebellious act prompted her arrest, conviction and a penalty of $100, which she refused to pay. On the other hand, the Supreme Court decision in Minor versus Happersett (1875), pronounced that while women may be citizens, not all citizens are necessarily allowed to vote. Stanton, Mott, Anthony, Truth and the rest of the women abolitionists and suffragettes during the time passed their lifetime without experiencing the joys of participating in the political activities of the nation. Yet certainly, their monumental efforts were never put to waste. The Movement’s Gaining Momentum The past century saw the exponential increase of the number of women who joined in the workforce. This strong power base for women incited them to take part in the movement for social progress and reform, and eventually for a revived call for the right of suffrage. Staunch lobbying, frequent street marches, deliberate political boycotts, massive picketing at the White House and widespread civil obedience showed how serious the women during this period to achieve their impassioned goal to participate in the political affairs of the country and to cast their ballots. Millions of women collaborated to send their message to the national government, and most of them even went out of their way to lobby their causes in Congress. It was Carrie Chapman and the National American Woman Suffrage Association who emerged as leaders during this period of the American feminist movement. Although these demonstration strikes (proof that democracy was working in the American

Two Paths to Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Two Paths to Freedom - Essay Example 246). Both Martin and Malcolm criticized each other as a means of justifying his method of operation. Malcolm criticizes Martin by feeling that Christian ideologies were corrupt by promoting the white man. On the other hand, Martin reacted by terming Malcolm’s Nation of Islam ideas as a desperate reaction to segregation (Cone and Witherspoon, p. 245). Both Martin and Malcolm viewed human respect as the primary objective of their struggle. Martin felt that the connection was derived from religion and cultural identification while Martin felt that respect was acquired through socio-political power. We also further on realize that both leaders culturally identified with Africa as their place of descent (Cone and Witherspoon, p. 247). It can be observed that, Malcolm’s idea of black religion and social identity complements Martin’s idea of political power for equality. Malcolm’s idea of religion for equality was used by martin in the Montgomery bus boycott to advocate religious identity as Christians. Christianity on its part supported the idea of equality for all Christians (Cone and Witherspoon

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Womens Right (Equal Right Amendment) Research Paper

Womens Right (Equal Right Amendment) - Research Paper Example This synchronized and yet sporadic movement by women activists, suffragists and liberationists precipitated for the advent of an epic legal victory that resulted benefits that scores of generations of women have enjoyed. In this paper, the author will outline, examine and interpret the women’s rights movement in America. Of particular importance here is the creation and the many hindrances that the Equal Rights Amendment of the United States Constitution has confronted throughout the years. The aim of this scholarly treatise is not only to provide pertinent information regarding the women rights advocacy but also to demonstrate insightful ideas and recommendations for the now and the future. Historical Background In 1848, the first-ever Women’s Rights Convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the two-day meeting of over 300 people who rallied for justice and equality for women who were institutional ly restricted from the rights and privileges of a citizen. The said convention generated the Declaration of Sentiments among other eleven resolutions denouncing inequality and proposing suffrage. However, the nation was far from ready to seriously pay attention to the issue of women’s rights and thought that the call for justice was not only ridiculous but also a worthless endeavor (Becker 39). After the Civil War, while the constitutional reformation centered on giving freedom to the slaves, Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth, as well as the already-veteran Stanton, fought for the legal ground of providing the same civil and political rights that men enjoy to the American woman. Citing the 14th and 15th Amendments of the Constitution that the right to vote shall not be deprived to citizens on basis of their race, color and previous states of servitude, these women freedom fighters underscored the obvious and utter neglect of women in the laws of the land (Whitney 57). In 1 872 during the presidential election, Anthony cast her ballot in one of the poll precincts in New York invoking her right as a citizen as provided in the 14th Amendment. Her somehow rebellious act prompted her arrest, conviction and a penalty of $100, which she refused to pay. On the other hand, the Supreme Court decision in Minor versus Happersett (1875), pronounced that while women may be citizens, not all citizens are necessarily allowed to vote. Stanton, Mott, Anthony, Truth and the rest of the women abolitionists and suffragettes during the time passed their lifetime without experiencing the joys of participating in the political activities of the nation. Yet certainly, their monumental efforts were never put to waste. The Movement’s Gaining Momentum The past century saw the exponential increase of the number of women who joined in the workforce. This strong power base for women incited them to take part in the movement for social progress and reform, and eventually for a revived call for the right of suffrage. Staunch lobbying, frequent street marches, deliberate political boycotts, massive picketing at the White House and widespread civil obedience showed how serious the women during this period to achieve their impassioned goal to participate in the political affairs of the country and to cast their ballots. Millions of women collaborated to send their message to the national government, and most of them even went out of their way to lobby their causes in Congress. It was Carrie Chapman and the National American Woman Suffrage Association who emerged as leaders during this period of the American feminist movement. Although these demonstration strikes (proof that democracy was working in the American

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Group Leadership Project Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Group Leadership Project Reflection - Essay Example In short, the male-superiority power. Even now in so many countries of the world, especially the third-world countries, women are beaten and thrown in dark rooms. This has given men the nerve to regard women as the followers and not as the leaders. Nevertheless, the women of today have fought tooth and nail to change that ideal and establish themselves also as the leaders. They have same or even better qualifications as men. They have equally better opportunities as men to come forward, and so now they are almost seen as the leaders of the new-world. Today women acquire all leaders’ positions as lawyers, professors, ministers, though not without difficulty. What worked well: Researches, who wanted to work for women and in their favor, and wanted to escalate their position to leaders, have struggled to define leadership qualities that were needed in general, and were possessed by women in particular. Importance of leadership is evident from how well the organization handled by that leader is managed, employee performance and success of the organization. There is also a form of leadership termed as emotional leadership. The women have been found to be better at this leadership as they are more emotionally able to penetrate their colleagues. The women are more attached to their families and so they are opted more and more for these positions. As women are just as competent as men in all fields of work so they are taking part in all possible fields too, like technical, educational and political. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 established a concept of glass-ceiling. According to this, women are able quire good to and safe positions in any... According to the report findings the women of today have fought tooth and nail to change that ideal and establish themselves also as the leaders. They have same or even better qualifications as men. They have equally better opportunities as men to come forward, and so now they are almost seen as the leaders of the new-world. Today women acquire all leaders’ positions as lawyers, professors, ministers, though not without difficulty.As the paper stresses  there is a form of leadership termed as emotional leadership. The women have been found to be better at this leadership as they are more emotionally able to penetrate their colleagues. The women are more attached to their families and so they are opted more and more for these positions. As women are just as competent as men in all fields of work so they are taking part in all possible fields too, like technical, educational and political. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 established a concept of glass-ceiling. According to this, women are able quire good to and safe positions in any business organization but are not able to rise to the surface; this declaration has helped in distinguishing reasons for women’s inability to not be able to rise to power. A work, published by center for leadership, outlined the problems, faced by women when it comes to breaking this glass-ceiling. And it also gave formulas for success early in their careers.

Customer Satisfaction Of Airtel & Grameenphone Essay Example for Free

Customer Satisfaction Of Airtel Grameenphone Essay 1. Introduction The introduction of the telecommunication sector has been pretty late in Bangladesh compared to that of the neighboring countries. The mobile telecommunication service has been doubling on an annual basis over the last two or three years. Now-a-days there are six mobile phone operators in the country with Grameen phone, Robi, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel and Citycell. They are offering different new package and offers different value added services to satisfy the customers ‘demands. Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and adopted it as a high priority operational goal. Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. People in Bangladesh are becoming busy day by day and more professional than previous. They need to share more information to each other because demography has changed due to the era of globalization. Mobile phone has introduced a tremendous change in the communication sector in our country. It has changed the communication structure also. People in various occupations and income levels are using mobile phone intensively for their occupational purpose and personal purpose as well. 1.1 Basic information The telecom sector of Bangladesh began its journey with land phone. Then SEBA was the first company to bring cellular telephone services. The telecom sector has completely changed both in terms of coverage and efficiency of services. Cellular telephone services have achieved great commercial success. For most firms, the preeminent goal is to maximize the value of the  firm for its owners or shareholders. Increasing competition (whether for-profit or nonprofit) is forcing businesses to pay much more attention to satisfy customers. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables, which correlate with satisfaction behaviors. For this majority of the firms is trying to be a customer-oriented, customer- focused, or even-customer driven enterprise. Airtel is one of the late movers in telecommunication sector of Bangladesh. And like all other telecom companies, it is trying hard to penetrate the market and get a hold of significant market share t hrough their valued customers. 1.2 Background information Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. is a GSM-based cellular operator in Bangladesh.Airtel is the sixth mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market, andoriginally launched commercial operations under the brand name WaridTelecom on May 10, 2007. Warid Telecom International LLC, an Abu Dhabi basedconsortium, sold a majority 70% stake in the company to Indias Bharti AirtelLimited for US$300 million. Bharti Airtel Limited took management control of thecompany and its board, and rebranded the companys services under its ownAirtel brand from December 20, 2010. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission approved the deal on Jan 4, 2010. Grameenphone widely known as GP, is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. With more than 46.04 million subscribers (as of September 2013), Grameenphone is the largest mobile phone operator in the country. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation, a non-profit sister concern of the interna tionally acclaimed microfinance organization and community development bank Grameen Bank. Telenor, the largest telecommunications company in Norway, owns 55.8% shares of Grameenphone, Grameen Telecom owns 34.2% and the remaining 10% is publicly held. Grameenphone was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh. It also established the first 24-hour Call Center to support its subscribers. With the slogan Go Beyond, Grameenphone promises its customers to bring the best of communication technologies so that they can Go Beyond. 1.3 Objective of the report The objective of the report is divided into two parts. They are specific and  broad objectives. The specific and broad objective of this report is given below: 1. Broad Objective: The broad objective of this report is to find out the customer satisfaction level of Airtel Grameenphone customers. 2. Specific Objectives: The specific objectives will be To find out specific areas of satisfaction of Airtel Grameenphone users To figure out specific areas of dissatisfaction of Airtel Grameenphone users To know the overall satisfaction level of the customers To figure out possible improvement sectors to reduce dissatisfaction To know the better service provider between this two companies 1.4 Literature Review Airtel is the 6th mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market and launched commercial operation on May 10, 2007. Indias bharti Airtel limited bought 70% share of Warid telecom international. This is the largest investment in Bangladesh made by an Indian company. Airtel offers both prepaid and postpaid connections with lots of diversified packages to its customers. It also offers massive value added services to its subscribers. Below is a description of timeline of Warid Telecom in Bangladesh, Bharti Airtel and its taking over Warid: In December 2005, Warid Telecom International paid US$ 50 million to obtain a GSM license from the BTRC and became the sixth mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. In a press conference on August 17, 2006, Warid announced that its network would be activated two months ahead of schedule, in October, 2006. Again in October, 2006 Warid Telecom put off the launch of its cell phone services in Bangladesh until April, 2007 after its major supplier Nokia w alked out on an agreement over a payment dispute. Warid had a soft launch at the end of January 2007. It gave away complimentary subscriptions among a selected group of individuals, whose job was to make test calls and the operator adjusted its networks quality based on their comments. On May 9, 2007, Warid in an advertisement in some daily newspaper stated that it would be launching publicly on May 10, 2007. However, no call rate or any package details were revealed. The advertisement included an announcement for the people interested to buy Warid connections to bring the documents like ID card, etc., to the  designated franchise and customer care centers. On October 1, 2007, Warid Telecom expanded its network to five more districts raising total number of districts under Warid coverage to 56, said a press release. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Rajbari and Narail towns were covered by Warid network. On November 10, 2007, 61 districts under Warid network coverage. On June 10, 2008, Warid Telecom expanded its network to 3 more districts Bandarban, Khagrachhari and Rangamati. Now all 64 districts of Bangladesh are under Warid network coverage meaning Warid Telecom now has nationwide coverage. On December 20, 2010, Warid Telecom was rebranded to Airtel. Bharti Airtel Limited is commonly known as Airtel. It is an Indian telecommunications company that operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. It operates a GSM network in all countries, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the third largest telecom operator in the world with over 243.336 million customers across 20 countries as of March 2012. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with over 181 million subscribers at the end of March 2012. Airtel is the third largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers its telecom services under the Airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco Gold Certification. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. Airtel is known for being the first mobile phone company in the world to outsource all of its business operations except marketing, sales and finance. Its network—base stations, microwave links, etc.—is maintained by Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Network and Huawei, and business support is provided by IBM, and transmission towers are maintained by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd. in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front, which allowed Airtel to provide low call rates. Bharti Airtel began its journey in Bangladesh in December 2010 when it acquired 70 percent stock  of Warid Telecom of Abu Dhabi Group. So, it can be said that Airtel Bangladesh has just completed its maiden year in the country. And within this period of time, the operator has also created a vast job opportunity in diverse segments of the organization and as of August 2013, Airtel Bangladesh has 7.97 million subscribers with 7.3% of market share. Before Grameenphone’s inception, the phone was for a selected urbanized few. The cell phone was a luxury: a flouting accessory for the select elite.The mass could not contemplate mobile telephony as being part of their lives. Grameenphone started its journey with the Village Phone program: a pioneering initiative to empower rural women of Bangl adesh. The name Grameenphone translates to â€Å"Rural phone†. Starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. Grameenphone pioneered the then breakthrough initiative of mobile to mobile telephony and became the first and only operator to cover 98% of the country’s people with network The idea of providing universal mobile phone access throughout Bangladesh, including its rural areas, was originally conceived by Iqbal Quadir, who is currently the founder and director of the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT. He was inspired by the Grameen Bank microcredit model and envisioned a business model where a cell phone can serve as a source of income. After leaving his job as an investment banker in the United States, Quadir traveled back to Bangladesh, after meeting and successfully raising money from New York based investor and philanthropist Joshua Mailman, and worked for three years gaining s upport from various organizations including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and the Norwegian telephone company, Telenor. He was finally successful in forming a consortium with Telenor and Grameen Bank to establish Grameenphone. Quadir remained a shareholder of Grameenphone until 2004. Grameenphone received a license for cellular phone operation in Bangladesh from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on November 28, 1996. Grameenphone started operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day in Bangladesh. Grameenphone originally offered a mobile-to-mobile connectivity (widely known as GP-GP connection), which created a lot of enthusiasm among the users. It became the first operator to reach the million subscriber milestone as well as ten million subscriber milestone in Bangladesh. Since its inception Grameenphone has built the  largest cellular network in the country with over 8500 base stations . Presently, nearly 99 percent of the countrys population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and services in t he local telecom market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997. Grameenphone was also the first telecommunication operator in Bangladesh to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services. In October 2013 the company launched 3G services commercially. The entire Grameenphone network is 3G/EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. There are currently over 7 million 3G/EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network. Today, Grameenphone is the leading and largest telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh with more than 47.64 million subscribers as of January 2014. Grameenphone has so far invested more than BDT 24,300 crore to build the network infrastructure Grameenphone is one of the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed more than BDT 35,500 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. There are now more than 1600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilas of all districts and 94 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities Grameenphone has about 5000 full and temporary employees. 300,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. In this report we tried to discuss the comparative analysis of Airtel 7 Grameenphone over the customers. 2. Research Method 2.1 Data sources †¢ There are two types of data sources are used to obtain the required information. 2.1.1 Primary Data †¢ Direct interview though a survey questionnaire 2.1.2 Secondary data †¢ Commercial websites of Airtel Grameenphone †¢ Online articles on telecommunication sector †¢ Previously conducted research papers on different issues of telecommunication Company‟s magazines, brochures, etc. 2.2. Method of collecting data 2.2.1 Selecting Sample The population of this study are customers of Airtel Bangladesh Grameenphone and we took interview 120 person of different age group in our study. We targeted different people from different age group. The target population were divided among following age groups- 18-30 years 60 30-50 years 30 50-70 years 20 70- above years – 10 2.2.2 Procedure of data collection After determining the target population and sampling frame we were looking forward to conduct the survey for collecting the information. As our extent of the target population was preplanned and structured, therefore, we did not have any trouble to collect the information from the fieldwork. Whenever we found a student who was sitting idle or gossiping with their friends we went to them, cordially introduced ourselves and asked them whether they were using airtel or GP. After receiving a positive response, we provided a questionnaire form and asked them to participate in the survey. Fortunately, no one denied participating in the survey because it did not take more than four minutes to finish. Moreover, every respondent was looking enthusiastic in taking part and some of them were very cooperative and supportive. They also assisted us to find out active airtel GP users. By this way, we collected data from 100 respondents. Rest 20 set of questionnaires were given to my friends and th e neighbors who were the Airtel or GP users. 2.2.3 Method of analyzing data After completing the research survey, we started the data preparation for the project. As soon as we received the questionnaires from the field I kept all the information in Microsoft Excel program. Since, this is a descriptive  research and the data analysis should be done quantitatively. For this reason, we used MS Excel software because we have enough insights of using this program. In the beginning portion of the questionnaire, there were some general questions to aware of the some information about the respondents, for instances, gender, age, duration of the network age and some direct question related to their usage pattern. This information is analyzed collectively rather than individually. Here, no statistical tools have been used. The next section of the questionnaire contains 13 statements. Each of the statements has been arranged in such a way which is directly related to the customer satisfaction factors. 2.3 Limitations of the study The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence 100% accuracy can’t be assured. The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study. The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method. It is so difficult to survey questionnaire among target samples. 3. Result Discussions: Findings 3.1. Findings on respondents’ analysis The general analysis of the 120 samples is presented in this section. The main objective of the respondents‟ analysis is to get the overview about respondents. Here, respondent‟s gender, age limit, duration of their network, and usage pattern, etc. have been discussed briefly. There is no statistical tool used to analysis the respondent’s overview because this information will not affect directly to the customer satisfaction factors. For collecting data from the field, the research survey has been conducted among 80 male and 40 female users of airtel GP users. Thus, the ratio of male user is 60% and the ratio of female user is 40%. We have conducted the research on 18-30 years 60 30-50 years 30 50-70 years 20 70- above years 10 From this scenario, it can be said that most of the airtel is more polular in  urban areas in young generation. There were also two direct questions asked to the respondents to know the reason of using Airtel and to know which of the value added services are used by the respondents. Research findings show that 40% of the respondents use airtel only for the lower cost. 20% of the respondents use airtel for the highest FnF benefits. 10% of the respondents said they are using airtel for low on-net tariffs. 30% of the respondents use GP for network, voice quality and for the brand image. 3.2 Findings on questionnaire analysis 1. How many sim do you use? Most of the respondents use 1 sim. Rest others use 2 sims for various purposes. 2. Which company’s sim you are using now? Most of the respondents use Airtel. Those who use 2 sims, they have Grameenphone, teletalk, Robi Banglalink sim. 3. What is the reason behind of your choice? Most of the Airtel users use Airtel for the lower call rate. Grameenphone users use it for better network service. 4. Who is following better business strategy? Most of the Airtel users think Airtel is following better business strategy at this moment to attract new young generation. Grameenphone users think GP should obtain more attractive business strategy to retain the existing customers as well as draw interest to new customers. 5. Who provides more facility for their customers? In this question, most of them think Grameenphone is providing more facilities to its customers. With their network, service customer care outlet around the country Grameenphone is far better than Airtel. 6. Who is more responsible for social welfare?  Most of the respondents expressed that being the most popular largest telecom company, Grameenphone is contributing more for social welfare of Bangladesh. 7. Call Rate  Most of the respondents are satisfied with the call rate of Airtel. Few of them think it is moderate. On the other hand, most of the respondents think call rate of Grameenphone is highly expensive. They are dissatisfied with this. 8. Service.  In service issue, most of the respondents feel moderate with the Airtel service but Grameenphone have many satisfied clients in this regard. 9. Network.  In network issue, Airtel has dissatisfied customers. The respondents are not satisfied at all with the striggling network of Airtel. On the other hand Grameenphone is reigning the telecom scenario with their operative network. 10. Bonus Offer.  The respondents are satisfied with the endless bonus offers of Airtel. Most of them are agreed with that. Contrariwise Grameenphone’s bonus offers are not so much satisfactory to its clients. 11. Bundle Offer.  Most of the respondents are satisfied with the bundle offers of Airtel. A small number of them are moderate with that. Inversely the bundle offers of Grameenphone are dissatisfactory to its clients. 12. Which company’s sim you will suggest for using to your friends? 60% of the respondents told that they will suggest Airtel sim to their friends. Rest of them stated that they will recommend Grameenphone to their friends. 3.3 Best According to Customers 3.4 Reasons of the First Choice: Grameenphone 3.5 Reasons of the First Choice: Airtel 3.6 Competitive Advantage of Grameenphone Airtel 3.7 Customers Recommendations In the respondent‟s opinion and suggestion section, 12 respondents did not put any opinion. However, rest 108 of the respondents shared their valuable opinion regarding Airtel Grameenphone services and those are given below accordingly: Most of the respondents suggested Airtel to upgrade its network coverage as soon as possible. The also suggested Grameenphone to reduce the  call rate. Some respondents also suggested to: Stop sending unwanted SMS Reduce VAS tariffs Increase the validity for bonus talk time Offer attractive handset bundle package